Pipeng Toolbox : Pipe Beam Bending Calculators Blank User
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Pipe Beam Bending

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope and deflection for pipe beams using the Euler Bernoulli beam equation.

The Euler Bernoulli beam equation is suitable for slender beams (it does not include the effect of shear), and for small angles (θ < 0.5 rad). The calculations are not valid past the beam end points. For combined loads, the shear force, bending moment, slope and deflection are assumed to be additive. The beam end conditions are of the form left end - right end (for example Pin-Fix is left end pinned and right end fixed). All distances are measured from the left end of the beam.

Beam end types include: free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads include axial loads, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature gradient.

For beams with compressive axial loads the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load. For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length.

The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

For multi layer beams the concrete stiffness can be included in EI by multiplying EI by a factor (1 + CSF). The bending stress at the field joint should also be multiplied by the factor (1 + CSF) to account for stress localisation (select the pipe joint option for bending stiffness) . The concrete stiffness factor is calculated from the ratio of concrete EI over beam EI in accordance with DNVGL RP F105. The method is suitable for circular beams and pipes. For other profile shapes engineering judgement is required.

The stress check includes longitudinal stress, Tresca combined stress, and von Mises equivalent stress. The bending stress is calculated at the pipe mid wall. The hoop stress is calculated using the Barlow mid wall equation with the nominal wall thickness.


`Sh = (P - Pe) (OD - tn) / (2 tn) `

where :

Sh = hoop stress
P = internal pressure
Pe = external pressure
OD = pipe outside diameter
tn = pipe nominal thickness

Use the Result Plot option to plot the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Reference : Roark's Formulas For Stress And Strain, Warren C Young, McGraw Hill

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CALCULATOR : Beam Cross Section Properties (Circular Pipe) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate circular beam cross section properties for vibration.

Unit mass can be calculated with or without added mass. Added mass is included in the unit mass for submerged beams to account for the fluid which is displaced by the beam. The added mass coefficient is calculated in accordance with DNVGL RP F105. EAα is required for beams with axial load. Use the Result Table option to display the cross section properties versus wall thickness. Refer to the help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • schdtype : Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • modptype : Material Property Type
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
    • ρpu : User Defined Density
  • zstype : Pipe Section Modulus Type
  • mmtype : Added Mass Type
    • ρe : External Fluid Density
    • Cmu : User Defined Added Mass Coefficient
    • G : Gap Height
  • mltype : Unit Mass Type
  • L : Length
  • ρi : Internal Fluid Density

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • ρp : Line Pipe Density
  • AX : Line Pipe Cross Section Area
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • EA : Pipe And Liner E x A
  • EAα : Pipe And Liner E x A x alpha
  • EI : E x I
  • I : Pipe Moment Of Inertia
  • ID : Nominal Inside Diameter
  • Ip : Pipe Polar Moment Of Inertia
  • J : Pipe Mass Moment Of Inertia
  • L/r : Slenderness Ratio
  • M : Total Mass
  • Mc : Contents Mass
  • Mp : Line Pipe Mass
  • OD : Nominal Outside Diameter
  • SG : Pipe Specific Gravity (Including Contents)
  • Zs : Pipe Section Modulus
  • cm : Added Mass Coefficient
  • m : Mass Per Unit Length (Including Contents)
  • ma : Added Unit Mass
  • mc : Contents Unit Mass
  • md : Displaced Fluid Unit Mass
  • mp : Line Pipe Unit Mass
  • r : Radius Of Gyration
  • tn : Nominal Wall Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length (Including Contents And Buoyancy)

CALCULATOR : Beam Cross Section Properties (Multi Layer Pipe) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate multi layer circular beam cross section properties for vibration.

Unit mass can be calculated with or without added mass. Added mass is included in the unit mass for submerged beams to account for the fluid which is displaced by the beam. The added mass coefficient is calculated in accordance with DNVGL RP F105. EAα is required for beams with axial load. The bending stifness can be calculated with the concrete stiffness factor (CSF). The CSF accounts for the additional stiffness provided by the external concrete coating.

Enter the wall thickness for all layers. Only enter the elastic modulus for layers which will contribute to either ExA or EI. ExA and EAα are calculated for the inside layers only. Use the Result Table option to display the cross section properties versus wall thickness. Refer to the help pages for more details.

Reference : DNVGL RP F105 Free Spanning Pipelines (Download From DNVGL website)

Tool Input

  • schdtype : Line Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Line Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Line Pipe Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • eitype : Axial Stiffness Modulus Type
    • Kcu : User Defined Coating Factor
    • CSFu : User Defined Concrete Stiffness Factor
  • zstype : Pipe Section Modulus Type
  • mmtype : Mass Type
    • ρe : User Defined External Fluid Density
    • Cmu : User Defined Added Mass Coefficient
    • G : Gap Height
  • mltype : Mass Type
  • WTi : Pipe Liner Wall Thickness
  • ρi : Pipe And Liner Density
  • Ei : Pipe And Liner Elastic Modulus
  • αi : Pipe And Liner Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • νi : Pipe And Liner Poisson's Ratio
  • WTo : Pipe Coating Wall Thickness
  • ρo : Pipe Coating Density
  • Eo : Pipe Coating Elastic Modulus
  • L : Length
  • ρf : Internal Fluid Density

Tool Output

  • ν : Effective Poisson Ratio
  • CSF : Concrete Stiffness factor
  • Cm : Added Mass Coefficient
  • EA : Axial Stiffness Modulus (E x A)
  • EAα : Thermal Expansion Modulus (E x A x alpha)
  • EI : Effective Axial Stiffness Modulus (E x I)
  • EIc : Concrete E x I
  • EIp : Pipe E x I
  • I : Pipe Moment Of Inertia
  • IID : Pipe Inside Diameter Including Liners
  • Ip : Pipe Polar Moment Of Inertia
  • J : Pipe Mass Moment Of Inertia
  • Kc : Coating Factor
  • L/r : Slenderness Ratio
  • M : Total Mass
  • Mc : Contents Mass
  • Mp : Pipe Mass Including Layers
  • OD : Line Pipe Diameter
  • OOD : Pipe Outer Diameter Including Coatings
  • SG : Pipe Specific Gravity (Including Contents)
  • Zs : Pipe Section Modulus
  • m : Mass Per Unit Length (Including Contents)
  • md : Displaced Fluid Unit Mass
  • mla : Added Unit Mass
  • mlc : Contents Unit Mass
  • mlp : Pipe Unit Mass Including Liner And Coating
  • r : Radius Of Gyration
  • tn : Line Pipe Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length (Including Contents And Buoyancy)

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Combined Load (Circular Pipe - Matrix Data) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope, deflection and stress check from combined loads for circular pipes (matrix data).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads can include axial load, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature differential.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

The stress check includes longitudinal stress, Tresca combined stress, and von Mises equivalent stress. The bending stress is calculated at the pipe mid wall. The hoop stress is calculated using the Barlow mid wall equation with the nominal wall thickness.


`Sh = (P - Pe) (OD - tn) / (2 tn) `

where :

Sh = hoop stress
P = internal pressure
Pe = external pressure
OD = pipe outside diameter
tn = pipe nominal thickness

Use the Result Plot option to display the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • schdtype : Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • syutype : Line Pipe Stress Type
  • mattype : Material Type
    • Syu : User Defined Yield Stress
  • modptype : Material Property Type
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
    • ρpu : User Defined Density
    • νpu : User Defined Poisson Ratio
  • sectype : Section Properties Type
    • EIu : User Defined E x I
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
  • wltype : Weight Type
    • wu : User Defined Unit Weight
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • sstype : Stress Type
  • chktype : Stress Check Type
  • btype : Location On Beam
  • Data : Combined Loads
  • ρc : Internal Fluid Density
  • ρb : External Fluid Density
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • x : Length From End
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • θ : Slope Or Angle
  • ν : Poisson Ratio
  • ρp : Density
  • AX : Cross Section Area
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : E x A x alpha
  • EI : E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • ID : Inside Diameter
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Bending Moment
  • OD : Outside Diameter
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • R : Reaction Or Shear Load
  • SG : Specific Gravity
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sd : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sh : Hoop Stress
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • Sy : Yield Stress
  • Y : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Zs : Section Modulus
  • h : Beam Height In Plane Of Bending
  • mc : Contents Unit Mass
  • md : Displaced Unit Mass
  • mp : Line Pipe Unit Mass
  • tn : Wall Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • y : Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Combined Load (Circular Pipe - File Data - Modern Browser Required)) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope, deflection and stress check from combined loads for circular pipes (file data - a modern browser is required).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads can include axial load, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature differential.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

The stress check includes longitudinal stress, Tresca combined stress, and von Mises equivalent stress. The bending stress is calculated at the pipe mid wall. The hoop stress is calculated using the Barlow mid wall equation with the nominal wall thickness.


`Sh = (P - Pe) (OD - tn) / (2 tn) `

where :

Sh = hoop stress
P = internal pressure
Pe = external pressure
OD = pipe outside diameter
tn = pipe nominal thickness

Use the Result Plot option to display the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details. Refer to the example text file in resources.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • schdtype : Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • syutype : Line Pipe Stress Type
  • mattype : Material Type
    • Syu : User Defined Yield Stress
  • modptype : Material Property Type
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
    • ρpu : User Defined Density
    • νpu : User Defined Poisson Ratio
  • sectype : Section Properties Type
    • EIu : User Defined E x I
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
  • wltype : Weight Type
    • wu : User Defined Unit Weight
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • sstype : Stress Type
  • chktype : Stress Check Type
  • btype : Location On Beam
  • ρc : Internal Fluid Density
  • ρb : External Fluid Density
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • x : Length From End
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • θ : Slope Or Angle
  • ν : Poisson Ratio
  • ρp : Density
  • AX : Cross Section Area
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : E x A x alpha
  • EI : E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • ID : Inside Diameter
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Bending Moment
  • OD : Outside Diameter
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • R : Reaction Or Shear Load
  • SG : Specific Gravity
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sd : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sh : Hoop Stress
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • Sy : Yield Stress
  • Y : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Zs : Section Modulus
  • h : Beam Height In Plane Of Bending
  • mc : Contents Unit Mass
  • md : Displaced Unit Mass
  • mp : Line Pipe Unit Mass
  • tn : Wall Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • y : Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Combined Load (Multi Layer Pipe - Matrix Data) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope, deflection and stress check from combined loads for multi layer circular pipes (matrix data).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads can include axial load, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature differential.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

Pipe unit weight and EI are calculated for a circular pipe with coatings and or internal liners. Enter the wall thickness and density for all layers. Only enter the elastic modulus for layers which will contribute to EI (including the concrete layer if applicable). Change the number of layers on the setup page. The bending stiffness can be calculated with the concrete stiffness factor (CSF). The CSF accounts for the additional stiffness provided by the external concrete coating.

The stress check includes longitudinal stress, Tresca combined stress, and von Mises equivalent stress. The bending stress is calculated at the pipe mid wall. The bending stress can be calculated either in the pipe body with no concrete stiffness effect, or at the field joint which includes the effect of concrete stiffness. For general calculations where the location of the field joint is not known, the field joint option should be used as a worst case. The hoop stress is calculated using the Barlow mid wall equation with the nominal wall thickness.


`Sh = (P - Pe) (OD - tn) / (2 tn) `

where :

Sh = hoop stress
P = internal pressure
Pe = external pressure
OD = pipe outside diameter
tn = pipe nominal thickness

Use the Result Plot option to display the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • schdtype : Line Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Line Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Line Pipe Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • syutype : Line Pipe Stress Type
  • mattype : Material Type
    • Syu : User Defined Yield Stress
  • sectype : Section Properties Type
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
    • νu : User Defined Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • eitype : E x I Type
    • Kcu : User Defined Coating Factor
    • CSFu : User Defined Concrete Stiffness Factor
    • EIu : User Defined Pipe E x I
  • wltype : Weight Type
    • wu : User Defined Unit Weight
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • sbtype : Bending Stress Type
  • sstype : Stress Type
  • chktype : Stress Check Type
  • btype : Location On Beam
  • Data : Combined Loads
  • WTi : Pipe Liner Wall Thickness
  • ρi : Pipe And Liner Density
  • Ei : Pipe And Liner Elastic Modulus
  • αi : Pipe And Liner Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • νi : Pipe And Liner Poisson's Ratio
  • WTo : Pipe Coating Wall Thickness
  • ρo : Pipe Coating Density
  • Eo : Pipe Coating Elastic Modulus
  • ρc : Internal Fluid Density
  • ρb : External Fluid Density
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • x : Length From End
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Effective Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • θ : Slope Or Angle
  • ν : Effective Poisson Ratio
  • AX : Effective Cross Section Area
  • CSF : Concrete Stiffness factor
  • EAα : E x A x alpha
  • EI : Effective E x I
  • EIc : Concrete E x I
  • EIp : Pipe E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • IID : Pipe Inside Diameter Including Liner
  • Kc : Coating Factor
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Bending Moment
  • OD : Line Pipe Diameter
  • OOD : Pipe Outer Diameter Including Coatings
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • R : Reaction Or Shear Load
  • SG : Specific Gravity
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sy : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sh : Hoop Stress
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • Sy : Yield Stress
  • Y : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Zs : Section Modulus
  • h : Beam Height In Plane Of Bending
  • md : Displaced Unit Mass
  • mlc : Contents Unit Mass
  • mlp : Pipe Unit Mass Including Liner And Coating
  • tn : Line Pipe Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • y : Maximum Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Combined Load (Multi Layer Pipe - File Data - Modern Browser Required)) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope, deflection and stress check from combined loads for multi layer circular pipes (file data - a modern browser is required).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads can include axial load, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature differential.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

Pipe unit weight and EI are calculated for a circular pipe with coatings and or internal liners. Enter the wall thickness and density for all layers. Only enter the elastic modulus for layers which will contribute to EI (including the concrete layer if applicable). Change the number of layers on the setup page. The bending stiffness can be calculated with the concrete stiffness factor (CSF). The CSF accounts for the additional stiffness provided by the external concrete coating.

The stress check includes longitudinal stress, Tresca combined stress, and von Mises equivalent stress. The bending stress is calculated at the pipe mid wall. The bending stress can be calculated either in the pipe body with no concrete stiffness effect, or at the field joint which includes the effect of concrete stiffness. For general calculations where the location of the field joint is not known, the field joint option should be used as a worst case. The hoop stress is calculated using the Barlow mid wall equation with the nominal wall thickness.


`Sh = (P - Pe) (OD - tn) / (2 tn) `

where :

Sh = hoop stress
P = internal pressure
Pe = external pressure
OD = pipe outside diameter
tn = pipe nominal thickness

Use the Result Plot option to display the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details. Refer to the example text file in resources.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • schdtype : Line Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Line Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Line Pipe Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • syutype : Line Pipe Stress Type
  • mattype : Material Type
    • Syu : User Defined Yield Stress
  • sectype : Section Properties Type
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
    • νu : User Defined Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • eitype : E x I Type
    • Kcu : User Defined Coating Factor
    • CSFu : User Defined Concrete Stiffness Factor
    • EIu : User Defined Pipe E x I
  • wltype : Weight Type
    • wu : User Defined Unit Weight
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • sbtype : Bending Stress Type
  • sstype : Stress Type
  • chktype : Stress Check Type
  • btype : Location On Beam
  • WTi : Pipe Liner Wall Thickness
  • ρi : Pipe And Liner Density
  • Ei : Pipe And Liner Elastic Modulus
  • αi : Pipe And Liner Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • νi : Pipe And Liner Poisson's Ratio
  • WTo : Pipe Coating Wall Thickness
  • ρo : Pipe Coating Density
  • Eo : Pipe Coating Elastic Modulus
  • ρc : Internal Fluid Density
  • ρb : External Fluid Density
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • x : Length From End
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Effective Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • θ : Slope Or Angle
  • ν : Effective Poisson Ratio
  • AX : Effective Cross Section Area
  • CSF : Concrete Stiffness factor
  • EAα : E x A x alpha
  • EI : Effective E x I
  • EIc : Concrete E x I
  • EIp : Pipe E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • IID : Pipe Inside Diameter Including Liner
  • Kc : Coating Factor
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Bending Moment
  • OD : Line Pipe Diameter
  • OOD : Pipe Outer Diameter Including Coatings
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • R : Reaction Or Shear Load
  • SG : Specific Gravity
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sy : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sh : Hoop Stress
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • Sy : Yield Stress
  • Y : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Zs : Section Modulus
  • h : Beam Height In Plane Of Bending
  • md : Displaced Unit Mass
  • mlc : Contents Unit Mass
  • mlp : Pipe Unit Mass Including Liner And Coating
  • tn : Line Pipe Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • y : Maximum Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Combined Load (General Beam - Matrix Data) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope, deflection and stress check from combined loads for general beams (user defined properties - matrix data).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads can include axial load, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature differential.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The stress can be calculated at either the top of the beam, or the base of the beam. The beam orientation can be flipped (Ya at the top or Yb at the top). The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

Use the Result Plot option to display the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • modptype : Material Property Type
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
  • eitype : E x I Type
    • Iu : User Defined Section Modulus
    • ru : User Defined Radius Of Gyration
    • EIu : User Defined E x I
  • eaatype : E x A x alpha Type
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Td : User Defined Operating Temperature
    • Tin : User Defined Installation Temperature
    • Fin : User Defined Preload
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • yytype : Beam Orientation Type
  • chktype : Check Stress Type
  • btype : Location On Beam
  • Data : Combined Loads
  • AX : Cross Section Area
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • x : Length From End
  • Ya : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Yb : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Sy : Yield Stress

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • θ : Slope Or Angle
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : E x A x alpha (E x AX x α)
  • EI : E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Le/r : Slenderness Ratio
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Maximum Bending Moment
  • R : Reaction Or Shear Load
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sd : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • h : Beam Height In Plane Of Bending
  • r : Radius Of Gyration
  • y : Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Combined Load (General Beam - File Data - Modern Browser Required) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope, deflection and stress check from combined loads for general beams (user defined properties - file data - a modern browser is required).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads can include axial load, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature differential.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The stress can be calculated at either the top of the beam, or the base of the beam. The beam orientation can be flipped (Ya at the top or Yb at the top). The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

Use the Result Plot option to display the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details. Refer to the example text file in resources.

Tool Input

  • modptype : Material Property Type
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
  • eitype : E x I Type
    • Iu : User Defined Section Modulus
    • ru : User Defined Radius Of Gyration
    • EIu : User Defined E x I
  • eaatype : E x A x alpha Type
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Td : User Defined Operating Temperature
    • Tin : User Defined Installation Temperature
    • Fin : User Defined Preload
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • yytype : Beam Orientation Type
  • chktype : Check Stress Type
  • btype : Location On Beam
  • AX : Cross Section Area
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • x : Length From End
  • Ya : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Yb : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Sy : Yield Stress

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • θ : Slope Or Angle
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : E x A x alpha (E x AX x α)
  • EI : E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Le/r : Slenderness Ratio
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Maximum Bending Moment
  • R : Reaction Or Shear Load
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sd : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • h : Beam Height In Plane Of Bending
  • r : Radius Of Gyration
  • y : Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Combined Load (General Beam) [FREE]   ±

Calculate beam bending shear force, bending moment, slope, and deflection from combined loads for general beams (user defined properties - matrix data).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

Combined loads can include axial load, point loads, distributed loads, weight loads, concentrated moments, angular displacements, lateral displacements, and uniform temperature differential.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load is calculated using the Euler equation (suitable for long beams). The effective length is greater than the nominal length for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length equals the nominal length.

Use the Result Plot option to display the bending moment, shear force, slope, deflection and stress versus position x. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • endtype : End Type
  • btype : Location On Beam
  • Data : Combined Loads
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • h : Beam Height In Plane Of Bending
  • Le : Effective Length
  • x : Length From End
  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • EI : Beam Bending Modulus
  • Fa : Axial Load (-ve Compression)

Tool Output

  • θ : Slope Or Angle
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • M : Maximum Bending Moment
  • R : Reaction Or Shear Load
  • y : Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Self Weight And Axial Load (Circular Pipe) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam maximum bending moment, maximum deflection and stress check from self weight and axial load for circular pipes.

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The stress check includes longitudinal stress, Tresca combined stress, and von Mises equivalent stress. The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

Use the Result Table option to display the bending moment, deflection and stress versus either end type or pipe wall thickness. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • schdtype : Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • syutype : Line Pipe Stress Type
  • mattype : Material Type
    • Syu : User Defined Yield Stress
  • modptype : Material Property Type
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
    • ρpu : User Defined Density
    • νpu : User Defined Poisson Ratio
  • sectype : Section Properties Type
    • EIu : User Defined E x I
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
  • wltype : Weight Type
    • wu : User Defined Unit Weight
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • sstype : Stress Type
  • chktype : Stress Check Type
  • ρc : Internal Fluid Density
  • ρb : External Fluid Density
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • ν : Poisson Ratio
  • ρp : Density
  • AX : Cross Section Area
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : E x A x alpha
  • EI : E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • ID : Inside Diameter
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Bending Moment
  • OD : Outside Diameter
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • SG : Specific Gravity
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sd : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sh : Hoop Stress
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • Sy : Yield Stress
  • Zs : Section Modulus
  • mc : Contents Unit Mass
  • md : Displaced Unit Mass
  • mp : Line Pipe Unit Mass
  • tn : Wall Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • y : Maximum Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Self Weight And Axial Load (Multi Layer Pipe) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam maximum bending moment, maximum deflection and stress check from self weight and axial load for multi layer circular pipes.

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tends to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature and pressure or user defined. The stress check includes longitudinal stress, Tresca combined stress, and von Mises equivalent stress. The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

The bending stifness can be calculated with the concrete stiffness factor (CSF). The CSF accounts for the additional stiffness provided by the external concrete coating.

Pipe unit weight and EI are calculated for a circular pipe with coatings and or internal liners. Enter the wall thickness and density for all layers. Only enter the elastic modulus for layers which will contribute to EI. Change the number of layers on the setup page. Maximum bending is assumed to occur at a field joint with no concrete coating (worst case). The bending stress calculation does not include the concrete stiffness.

Use the Result Table option to display the bending moment, deflection and stress versus either end type or pipe wall thickness. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • schdtype : Line Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Line Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Line Pipe Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • syutype : Line Pipe Stress Type
  • mattype : Material Type
    • Syu : User Defined Yield Stress
  • sectype : Section Properties Type
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
    • νu : User Defined Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • eitype : E x I Type
    • Kcu : User Defined Coating Factor
    • CSFu : User Defined Concrete Stiffness Factor
    • EIu : User Defined Pipe E x I
  • wltype : Weight Type
    • wu : User Defined Unit Weight
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • sstype : Stress Type
  • chktype : Stress Check Type
  • WTi : Pipe Liner Wall Thickness
  • ρi : Pipe And Liner Density
  • Ei : Pipe And Liner Elastic Modulus
  • αi : Pipe And Liner Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • νi : Pipe And Liner Poisson's Ratio
  • WTo : Pipe Coating Wall Thickness
  • ρo : Pipe Coating Density
  • Eo : Pipe Coating Elastic Modulus
  • ρc : Internal Fluid Density
  • ρb : External Fluid Density
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • ν : Effective Poisson Ratio
  • AX : Effective Cross Section Area
  • CSF : Concrete Stiffness factor
  • EAα : E x A x alpha
  • EI : Effective E x I
  • EIc : Concrete E x I
  • EIp : Pipe E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • IID : Pipe Inside Diameter Including Liner
  • Kc : Coating Factor
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Bending Moment
  • OD : Line Pipe Diameter
  • OOD : Pipe Outer Diameter Including Coatings
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • SG : Specific Gravity
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sy : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sh : Hoop Stress
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • Sy : Yield Stress
  • Zs : Section Modulus
  • md : Displaced Unit Mass
  • mlc : Contents Unit Mass
  • mlp : Pipe Unit Mass Including Liner And Coating
  • tn : Line Pipe Thickness
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • y : Maximum Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Self Weight And Axial Load (General Beam) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate beam maximum bending moment, maximum deflection and stress check from self weight and axial load for general beams (user defined properties).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load can be calculated using either the Euler equation (suitable for long beams), the Johnson equation (suitable for short beams), or the buckling load equation can be determined from the transition length. The axial load can either be calculated from temperature, or user defined. The stress can be calculated for either the maximum positive bending moment, the maximum negative bending moment, the maximum bending amplitude, or the minimum bending amplitude. The stress check includes longitudinal stress at the top of the beam, and the base of the beam. The beam can be 'flipped' by using the beam orientation option (either Ya at the top, or Yb at the top). The effective length factor should be used for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length factor should be set to one (fe = 1).

Use the Result Table option to display the bending moment, deflection and stress versus end type. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • modptype : Material Property Type
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
  • eitype : E x I Type
    • Iu : User Defined Section Modulus
    • ru : User Defined Radius Of Gyration
    • EIu : User Defined E x I
  • eaatype : E x A x alpha Type
    • EAαu : User Defined E x A x alpha
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Td : User Defined Operating Temperature
    • Tin : User Defined Installation Temperature
    • Fin : User Defined Preload
    • Fau : User Defined Axial Load
  • fbtype : Buckling Load Type
    • Fbu : User Defined Buckling Load
  • endtype : End Type
  • leftype : Effective Length Type
    • feu : User Defined Effective Length Factor
  • yytype : Beam Orientation Type
  • momtype : Bending Moment Type
  • chktype : Stress Check Type
  • AX : Cross Section Area
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • Lo : Nominal Length
  • Ya : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Yb : Distance To Outer Fiber
  • Sy : Yield Stress

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : E x A x alpha (E x AX x α)
  • EI : E x I
  • Fa : Axial Load
  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • I : Moment Of Inertia
  • Le : Effective Length
  • Le/r : Slenderness Ratio
  • Lt : Transition Length (Short to Long Beam)
  • M : Bending Moment
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sd : Check Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • r : Radius Of Gyration
  • y : Maximum Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Self Weight And Axial Load (General Beam) [FREE]   ±

Calculate beam maximum bending moment, and maximum deflection from self weight and axial load for general beams (user defined properties).

Beam end types include free fixed (cantilever), guided fixed, pinned fixed, fixed fixed (built in or fixed), pinned pinned (simply supported), and guided pinned beam ends.

For compressive axial loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection tend to infinity as the axial load tends to the buckling load (load controlled conditions). For tension loads, the bending moment, slope and deflection decrease with increasing tension. The buckling load is calculated using the Euler equation (suitable for long beams). The stress can be calculated for either the maximum positive bending moment, the maximum negative bending moment, the maximum bending amplitude, or the minimum bending amplitude. The stress check includes longitudinal stress at the top of the beam, and the base of the beam. The beam can be 'flipped' by using the beam orientation option (either Ya at the top, or Yb at the top). The effective length is greater than the nominal length for beams on a soft foundation such as soil, where the beam ends are poorly defined. For defined beam ends, such as structures, the effective length is equal to the nominal length.

Use the Result Table option to display the bending moment, deflection and stress versus end type. Refer to the figures and help pages for more details.

Tool Input

  • endtype : End Type
  • momtype : Bending Moment Type
  • w : Weight Per Unit Length
  • Le : Beam Effective Length
  • EI : Beam Bending Modulus
  • Fa : Axial Load

Tool Output

  • Fa/Fb : Axial Load Over Buckling Load Ratio (> -1)
  • Fb : Buckling Load
  • M : Bending Moment
  • y : Maximum Deflection

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Concrete Stiffness Factor (General Beam) [FREE]   ±

Calculate beam concrete stiffness factor and effective EI from the concrete beam EI ratio for a general pipeline.

The concrete stiffness factor is used to account for the effect of the concrete layer on the bending modulus EI and the natural frequency. The concrete stiffness factor is calculated from the ratio of concrete EI over beam EI.

`CSF= A ((EIc) / (EIp))^0.75 `
`EI = EIp (1 + CSF) `

where :

CSF = concrete stiffness factor
EIc = concrete EI
EIp = pipe EI
EI = effective EI
A = 0.33 for asphalt coating and 0.25 for PP/PE coating

The concrete stiffness factor is calculated in accordance with DNVGL RP F105. The method is suitable for circular pipes. Use the Result Plot option to plot the concrete stiffness factor (CSF) versus EI ratio and CSF type, or effective EI versus EI ratio and CSF type. Refer to the help pages for more details.

Reference : DNVGL RP F105 Free Spanning Pipelines (Download From DNVGL website)

Tool Input

  • coptype : Cross Section Type
    • EIcu : User Defined Concrete E x I
    • EIC/EIPu : User Defined E x I Ratio
  • csftype : Concrete Stiffness Factor Type
    • Kcu : User Defined Coating Factor
    • CSFu : User Defined Concrete Stiffness Factor
  • EIp : Beam E x I

Tool Output

  • CSF : Concrete Stiffness Factor
  • EI : Effective E x I
  • EIC/EIP : E x I Ratio

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Line Pipe Schedule [FREE]   ±

Calculate line pipe schedule outside diameter inside diameter and wall thickness.

Select the pipe schedule (NPS or ISO etc), pipe diameter and wall thickness, or use the user defined option. Use the Result Table option to display the pipe schedule for the selected diameter.

Tool Input

  • schdtype : Line Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Line Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness

Tool Output

  • ID : Nominal Inside Diameter
  • OD : Nominal Outside Diameter
  • OD/tn : Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • tn : Nominal Wall Thickness

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Yield Stress [FREE]   ±

Calculate beam yield stress (SMYS) and tensile stress (SMTS).

Select one of the API, ASME or DNV stress table options. Use the Result Table option to display the stress values for the selected stress table.

Tool Input

  • syutype : Stress Table Type
  • mattype : Material Type
    • SMYSu : User Defined Specified Minimum Yield Stress
    • SMTSu : User Defined Specified Minimum Tensile Stress

Tool Output

  • SMTS : Specified Minimum Tensile Stress
  • SMTS/SMYS : Tensile Stress Over Yield Stress Ratio
  • SMYS : Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • SMYS/SMTS : Yield Stress Over Tensile Stress Ratio

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Material Property [FREE]   ±

Calculate beam elastic modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus, density, and thermal expansion coefficient.

The table values of Poisson ratio and bulk modulus are calculated from the elastic modulus and shear modulus. Use the Result Table option to display a table of properties versus material type.

Tool Input

  • modptype : Material Type
    • Eu : User Defined Elastic Modulus
    • Gu : User Defined Shear Modulus
    • Ku : User Defined Bulk Modulus
    • νu : User Defined Poisson Ratio
    • ρu : User Defined Density
    • αu : User Defined Thermal Expansion Coefficient

Tool Output

  • α : Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • ν : Poisson Ratio
  • ρ : Density
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • G : Shear Modulus
  • K : Bulk Modulus

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Axial Load From Temperature And Pressure (Circular Pipe) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate pipeline restrained and unrestrained global or external axial load and wall load from temperature and pressure for single layer pipelines.

The external pressure is assumed to be constant during installation and operation (submerged pipeline). The internal pressure is assumed to be zero during installation.

Pipeline section properties are either calculated or user defined. The axial load is calculated using the thick wall formula (API RP 1111 and DNVGL ST F101). Loads are positive in tension, and negative in compression.

The axial load can be calculated for either the nominal wall thickness, or the corroded wall thickness (nominal wall thickness minus corrosion allowance).

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • syutype : Stress Table Type
  • mattype : Yield Stress Type
    • SMYSu : User Defined Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • schdtype : Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • corrtype : Pipe Wall Corrosion Type
  • modptype : Pipe Material Type
    • νu : User Defined Pipe Poisson's Ratio
    • αu : User Defined Pipe Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Pipe Elastic Modulus
  • sectype : Pipe Section Properties Type
    • Asu : User Defined Steel Cross Section Area
    • EAαu : User Defined Pipe E x A x alpha
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fgu : User Defined Global Axial Load
    • Fwu : User Defined Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • tc : Corrosion Allowance
  • Fd : Design Factor
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Pipe Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • ν : Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • Ax : Pipe Cross Section Area
  • E : Pipe Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : Pipe E x A x alpha
  • Fg : Global Or External Axial Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • ID : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • OD : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • OD/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • PΔ : Pressure Difference
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • SMYS : Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • Sd : Allowable Stress
  • Sw : Pipe Wall Axial Stress
  • Sw/Sd : Axial Stress Over Allowable Stress Ratio
  • t : Stress Check Wall Thickness
  • tn : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Axial Load From Temperature And Pressure (Multi Layer Pipe) [PLUS]   ±

Calculate pipeline restrained and unrestrained external or global axial load and wall load from temperature and pressure for multi layer pipelines.

The internal pressure is assumed to be zero during installation. The external pressure is assumed to be constant during installation and operation (submerged pipeline).

The first inside layer is the pipe wall. Select the pipe wall thickness and diameter from the pipe schedule. Enter all inside layers. The Young's modulus should be set to zero for inside layers which do not contribute to the axial load. Change the number of layers on the setup page. The axial load is calculated using the thick wall formula (API RP 1111 and DNVGL ST F101). Loads are positive in tension, and negative in compression.

Nominal pipe diameter and wall thickness should normally be used for axial load calculations. Pipe wall stress is calculated for the line pipe layer.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • syutype : Stress Table Type
  • mattype : Yield Stress Type
    • SMYSu : User Defined Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • schdtype : Line Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Line Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Line Pipe Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • sectype : Pipe Section Properties Type
    • EAu : User Defined Pipe E x A
    • EAαu : User Defined Pipe E x A x alpha
    • νu : User Defined Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fgu : User Defined Global Axial Load
    • Fwu : User Defined Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • WTi : Pipe Liner Wall Thickness
  • Ei : Pipe And Liner Elastic Modulus
  • αi : Pipe And Liner Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • νi : Pipe And Liner Poisson's Ratio
  • Fd : Design Factor
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • εw : Pipe Wall Axial Strain
  • ν : Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • EA : E x A
  • EAα : Pipe E x A x alpha
  • Fg : Global Or External Axial Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • IID : Pipe Inside Diameter Including Liner
  • OD : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • OD/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • SMYS : Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • Sd : Allowable Stress
  • Sw : Pipe Wall Axial Stress
  • Sw/Sd : Axial Stress Over Allowable Stress Ratio
  • tn : Line Pipe Thickness

CALCULATOR : Beam Bending Axial Load From Temperature And Pressure (General Pipe) [FREE]   ±

Calculate pipeline restrained and unrestrained global or external axial load and wall load from temperature and pressure for single layer pipelines.

The external pressure is assumed to be constant during installation and operation (submerged pipeline). The internal pressure is assumed to be zero during installation.

The axial load is calculated using the thick wall formula (API RP 1111 and DNVGL ST F101). Loads are positive in tension, and negative in compression.

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fgu : User Defined Global Axial Load
    • Fwu : User Defined Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • OD : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • tn : Pipe Wall Thickness
  • ν : Poisson Ratio
  • α : Thermal Expansin Coefficient
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • EAα : Pipe E x A x alpha
  • Fg : Global Or External Axial Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • Pe : External Pressure