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ASME B31.1 Power Piping Flexibility And Stress Factor

Calculate ASME B31.1 flexibility

  • stress intensity factors
  • allowable cyclic stress
  • stress range factor
  • sustained load
  • occasional load
  • displacement stress

Refer to the figures for symbols.

Reference : ANSI/ASME B31.1 : Power Piping

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CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Metal Pipe Diameter And Wall Thickness Schedule [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 metal pipe diameter, minimum wall thickness and pressure design thickness from pipe schedule or user defined diameter and wall thickness (ASME B31.1 section 104.1).

Select the pipe schedule (NPS or ISO), pipe diameter and wall thickness, or use the user defined option. Use the Result Table option to display the pipe schedule with nominal wall thickness, minimum wall thickness and pressure design wall thickness for the selected diameter.

Tool Input

  • schdtype : Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • ttoltype : Wall Thickness Fabrication Tolerance Type
    • txu : User Defined Negative Wall Thickness Fraction
    • tfu : User Defined Negative Wall Thickness Allowance
  • c : Wall Thickness Corrosion Allowance

Tool Output

  • ID : Nominal Inside Diameter
  • OD : Nominal Outside Diameter
  • OD/tn : Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • tf : Wall Thickness Fabrication Allowance
  • tm : Minimum Wall Thickness
  • tn : Nominal Wall Thickness
  • tp : Pressure Design Wall Thickness
  • tx : Wall Thickness Fabrication Fraction

CALCULATOR : Pipeline Combined Stress Check [PLUS]   ±

Calculate axial load, combined stress, hoop stress, longitudinal stress, bending stress and torsion stress for onshore and offshore pipelines.

The axial load is calculated using the thick wall formula (API RP 1111 and DNVGL ST F101). Loads are positive in tension, and negative in compression. The external pressure is assumed constant for installation and operation (submerged pipeline). The internal pressure is assumed zero for installation.

The combined stress may be calculated using either Tresca's or Von Mises' formula. Generally, the combined stress should be less than or equal to 90% of yield. The stress check can be calculated for either the nominal wall thickness, or the corroded wall thickness (nominal wall thickness minus corrosion allowance).

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • syutype : Stress Table Type
  • mattype : Yield Stress Type
    • SMYSu : User Defined Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • schdtype : Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • corrtype : Pipe Wall Corrosion Type
  • modptype : Pipe Material Type
    • νu : User Defined Pipe Poisson's Ratio
    • αu : User Defined Pipe Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Pipe Elastic Modulus
  • sectype : Pipe Section Properties Type
    • Asu : User Defined Steel Cross Section Area
    • EAαu : User Defined Pipe E x A x alpha
    • Zu : User Defined Pipe Z Modulus
  • walltype : Hoop Stress Calculation Type
    • Yu : User Defined ASME Y Factor
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fgu : User Defined Global Axial Load
    • Fwu : User Defined Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • ifactype : Stress Factor Type
    • iiu : User Defined In Plane Bending Stress factor
    • iou : User Defined Out Of Plane Bending Stress Factor
    • itu : User Defined Torsion Shear Stress Factor
  • sbtype : Bending Stress Type
  • sttype : Torsion Shear Stress Type
  • checktype : Stress Check Type
  • momtype : Bending Stress Type
  • tc : Corrosion Allowance
  • Fd : Design Factor
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load
  • M : Design Moment

Tool Output

  • α : Pipe Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • ν : Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • Ax : Pipe Cross Section Area
  • E : Pipe Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : Pipe E x A x alpha
  • Fg : Global Or External Axial Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • ID : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • OD : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • OD/t : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • PΔ : Pressure Difference
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • SMYS : Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Schk : Check Stress
  • Schk/Sd : Hoop Stress Over Allowable Stress Ratio
  • Sd : Design Stress
  • Sh : Hoop Stress
  • St : Torsion Stress
  • Sx : Pipe Wall Axial Stress
  • Z : Z Section Modulus
  • ii : In Plane Bending Stress Factor
  • io : Out Of Plane Bending Stress Factor
  • it : Torsion Shear Stress Factor
  • t : Stress Check Wall Thickness
  • tn : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness

CALCULATOR : Pipeline Axial Load From Temperature And Pressure [PLUS]   ±

Calculate pipeline restrained and unrestrained global or external axial load and wall load from temperature and pressure for single layer pipelines.

The external pressure is assumed to be constant during installation and operation (submerged pipeline). The internal pressure is assumed to be zero during installation.

Pipeline section properties are either calculated or user defined. The axial load is calculated using the thick wall formula (API RP 1111 and DNVGL ST F101). Loads are positive in tension, and negative in compression.

The axial load can be calculated for either the nominal wall thickness, or the corroded wall thickness (nominal wall thickness minus corrosion allowance).

Tool Input

  • pletype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • syutype : Stress Table Type
  • mattype : Yield Stress Type
    • SMYSu : User Defined Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • schdtype : Pipe Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • corrtype : Pipe Wall Corrosion Type
  • modptype : Pipe Material Type
    • νu : User Defined Pipe Poisson's Ratio
    • αu : User Defined Pipe Thermal Expansion Coefficient
    • Eu : User Defined Pipe Elastic Modulus
  • sectype : Pipe Section Properties Type
    • Asu : User Defined Steel Cross Section Area
    • EAαu : User Defined Pipe E x A x alpha
  • loadtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fgu : User Defined Global Axial Load
    • Fwu : User Defined Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • tc : Corrosion Allowance
  • Fd : Design Factor
  • Pi : Internal Pressure
  • Td : Design Temperature
  • Tin : Installation Temperature
  • Fin : Installation Load

Tool Output

  • α : Pipe Thermal Expansion Coefficient
  • ν : Pipe Poisson's Ratio
  • Ax : Pipe Cross Section Area
  • E : Pipe Elastic Modulus
  • EAα : Pipe E x A x alpha
  • Fg : Global Or External Axial Load
  • Fw : Pipe Wall Axial Load
  • ID : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • OD : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • OD/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • PΔ : Pressure Difference
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • SMYS : Specified Minimum Yield Stress
  • Sd : Allowable Stress
  • Sw : Pipe Wall Axial Stress
  • Sw/Sd : Axial Stress Over Allowable Stress Ratio
  • t : Stress Check Wall Thickness
  • tn : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Elbow Or Bend [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for elbows and bends. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe elbows and bends (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • petype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • bendtype : Bend Radius Type
    • R/Du : User Defined Bend Radius Over Diameter Ratio
    • Ru : User Defined Bend Radius
  • endtype : Flanged Or Welded Connection
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • P : Internal Pressure

Tool Output

  • ΔP : Pressure Difference
  • D : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • R : Pipe Bend Radius
  • R/D : Bend Radius Over Pipe Diameter Ratio
  • c : Flange Correction Factor
  • d : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • dm : Pipe Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • pi : Pressure i Correction Factor
  • pk : Pressure k Correction Factor
  • r : Pipe Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Miter Bend Single [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for single miter bends. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe elbows and bends (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • petype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • θ : Miter Half Angle
  • t : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • P : Internal Pressure

Tool Output

  • ΔP : Pressure Difference
  • D : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • R : Miter Radius
  • d : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • dm : Pipe Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • pi : Pressure i Correction Factor
  • pk : Pressure k Correction Factor
  • r : Pipe Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Miter Bend Compound [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for compound miter bends. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe elbows and bends (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • petype : External Pressure Type
    • Peu : User Defined External Pressure
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • endtype : Flanged Or Welded Connection
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • θ : Miter Bend Half Angle
  • s : Miter Center Line Length
  • t : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness
  • E : Elastic Modulus
  • P : Internal Pressure

Tool Output

  • ΔP : Pressure Difference
  • D : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • Pe : External Pressure
  • R : Miter Radius
  • c : Flange Correction Factor
  • d : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • dm : Pipe Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • pi : Pressure i Correction Factor
  • pk : Pressure k Correction Factor
  • r : Pipe Mid Wall Radius
  • st : Miter Transition Length (Wide Or Close Spacing)

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Welding Tee [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for welding tees. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe tees, branches and inserts (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Header Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • loadtype : Number Of Load Cycles (ASME B31.8 Only)
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Header Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Db : Branch Outside Diameter
  • rc : Crotch Radius
  • tc : Crotch Wall Thickness

Tool Output

  • D : Header Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Header Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Header Inside Diameter
  • d/D : Branch To Header Diameter Ratio
  • dm : Header Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • r : Header Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Extruded Welding Tee [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for extruded welding tees. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe tees, branches and inserts (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Header Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • loadtype : Number Of Load Cycles (ASME B31.8 Only)
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Header Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Db : Branch Outside Diameter
  • rc : Crotch Radius
  • tc : Crotch Wall Thickness

Tool Output

  • D : Header Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Header Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Header Inside Diameter
  • d/D : Branch To Header Diameter Ratio
  • dm : Header Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • r : Header Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Reinforced Fabricated Tee [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for reinforced fabricated tees. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe tees, branches and inserts (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Header Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • loadtype : Number Of Load Cycles (ASME B31.8 Only)
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Header Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Db : Branch Outside Diameter
  • tr : Reinforcement Thickness

Tool Output

  • D : Header Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Header Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Header Inside Diameter
  • d/D : Branch To Header Diameter Ratio
  • dm : Header Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (ASME B31.8 ≥ 1.2 : Others ≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (ASME B31.8 ≥ 1.2 : Others ≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • r : Header Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Unreinforced Fabricated Tee [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for unreinforced fabricated tees. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe tees, branches and inserts (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Header Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • loadtype : Number Of Load Cycles (ASME B31.8 Only)
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Header Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Db : Branch Outside Diameter

Tool Output

  • D : Header Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Header Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Header Inside Diameter
  • d/D : Branch To Header Diameter Ratio
  • dm : Header Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • r : Header Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Welded In Contour Insert [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for welded in contour inserts. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe tees, branches and inserts (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Header Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • loadtype : Number Of Load Cycles (ASME B31.8 Only)
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Header Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Db : Branch Outside Diameter
  • rc : Crotch Radius
  • tc : Crotch Wall Thickness

Tool Output

  • D : Header Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Header Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Header Inside Diameter
  • d/D : Branch To Header Diameter Ratio
  • dm : Header Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • r : Header Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Welded on Branch Integrally Reinforced [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for integrally reinforced welded on branch. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe tees, branches and inserts (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Header Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Header Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Db : Branch Outside Diameter

Tool Output

  • D : Header Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Header Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Header Inside Diameter
  • d/D : Branch To Header Diameter Ratio
  • dm : Header Mid Wall Diameter
  • h : Flexibility Characteristic
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • ii : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • io : Out Of Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • r : Header Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Branch Connection [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for branch connections. Calculate flexibility characteristic h, flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe tees, branches and inserts (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

The pipe mean diameter is calculated at the mid nominal wall thickness.

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Header Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • tnh : Header Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Db : Branch Outside Diameter
  • tnb : Branch Wall Thickness
  • rp : Branch Reinforcement Radius

Tool Output

  • D : Header Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Header Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • Rm : Header Mid Wall Radius
  • d : Header Inside Diameter
  • d/D : Branch To Header Diameter Ratio
  • dm : Header Mid Wall Diameter
  • i : In Plane Stress Intensity Factor (≥ 1)
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • r'm : Branch Mid Wall Radius

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Butt Weld [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for butt welds. Calculate flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe welds and joints (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

Tool Input

  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness
  • δmax : Maximum Weld Offset
  • δavg : Average Weld Offset

Tool Output

  • δ/t : Average Weld Offset Over Pipe Wall Thickness Ratio
  • i : Stress Intensity Factor
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • k : Flexibility Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Tapered Transition [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for tapered transitions. Calculate flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe welds and joints (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

Tool Input

  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness
  • δ : Weld Offset

Tool Output

  • δ/t : Average Weld Offset Over Pipe Wall Thickness Ratio
  • D : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • i : Stress Intensity Factor
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • k : Flexibility Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Concentric Reducer [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for concentric reducers. Calculate flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe welds and joints (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

Tool Input

  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • diamtype : Reducer Small End Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Reducer Small End Nominal Wall Thickness
  • α : Reducer Cone Half Angle

Tool Output

  • D : Reducer Small End Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Reducer Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • d : Reducer Small End Inside Diameter
  • i : Stress Intensity Factor
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • k : Flexibility Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Socket Weld [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 Appendix D stress intensity factors for socket welds. Calculate flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for pipe welds and joints (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

Tool Input

  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier
  • t : Pipe Nominal Wall Thickness
  • C : Fillet Weld Length

Tool Output

  • i : Stress Intensity Factor
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • k : Flexibility Factor
  • tn/C : Pipe Wall Thickness Over Fillet Weld Length Ratio

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Appendix D Stress Intensity Factors Miscellaneous [FREE]   ±

Calculate flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factor i for double welded slip on flanges, fillet welds, lap joint flanges, threaded pipe and flanges, and corrugated pipe (ASME B31.1 appendix D).

Tool Input

  • pipetype : Pipe Or Joint Type
  • isfactype : Stress Factor Multiplier Type
    • i*u : User Defined Stress Factor Multiplier

Tool Output

  • i : Stress Intensity Factor
  • i* : Stress Factor Multiplier
  • k : Flexibility Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Section 119.7 Maximum Displacement Flexibility Check [FREE]   ±

Calculate pipe spool flexibility maximum displacement check (ASME B31.1 section 119.7). A formal flexibility assessment is generally not required for pipe sections with displacement less than the calculated maximum displacement. Reaction forces and moments may require separate analysis.

The developed pipe length is the length measured along the pipe center line. The difference between the developed length, and the straight line length is an approximate measure of the offsets in the line.

Tool Input

  • D : Nominal Outside Diameter
  • L : Developed Pipe Length Between Anchors
  • U : Straight Line Length Between Anchors
  • Sa : Allowable Stress
  • E : Young's Modulus

Tool Output

  • ymax : Maximum Total Displacement Strain

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Section 102.3 Stress Range Factor [FREE]   ±

Calculate the pipe stress range factor f from the number of stress cycles (ASME B31.1 section 102.3.2). The maximum value of the stress range factor is 1.

Tool Input

  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • ffactype : Stress Range Factor Type
    • fmu : User Defined Maximum Stress Range Factor
    • fu : User Defined Stress Range Factor
  • N : Number Of Cycles

Tool Output

  • f : Stress Range Factor
  • fm : Maximum Stress Range Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Section 102.3 Allowable Cyclic Stress From Number Of Cycles [FREE]   ±

Calculate the allowable cyclic stress from the number of stress cycles (ASME B31.1 section 102.3.2).

The maximum value of the stress range factor is 1. The longitudinal stress is optional (the longitudinal stress is used to calculate the allowable stress if the longitudinal stress is less the allowable stress at maximum temperature).

Tool Input

  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • ffactype : Stress Range Factor Type
    • fmu : User Defined Maximum Stress Range Factor
    • fu : User Defined Stress Range Factor
  • sactype : Allowable Cyclic Stress Type
  • S : Design Stress
  • N : Number Of Cycles

Tool Output

  • Sa : Allowable Cyclic Stress
  • f : Stress Range Factor
  • fm : Maximum Stress Range Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Section 102.3 Allowable Cyclic Stress From Equivalent Number Of Load Cycles [FREE]   ±

Calculate the allowable cyclic stress from cyclic stress data (ASME B31.1 section 102.3.2). Enter the cyclic stress data as comma or tab separated pairs (number of cycles, cyclic stress), with each data pair on a new line (or copy and paste cells from a spreadsheet).

The maximum value of the stress range factor is 1. The longitudinal stress is optional (the longitudinal stress is used to calculate the allowable stress if the longitudinal stress is less the allowable stress at maximum temperature).

Tool Input

  • codetype : ASME B31 Code
  • ffactype : Stress Range Factor Type
    • fmu : User Defined Maximum Stress Range Factor
    • fu : User Defined Stress Range Factor
  • sactype : Allowable Cyclic Stress Type
  • S : Design Stress
  • Ndata : Load Cycles Data Values
  • Sdata : Load Stress Data Values

Tool Output

  • Ne : Number Of Cycles
  • Sa : Allowable Cyclic Stress
  • Se : Maximum Cyclic Stress
  • Se/Sa : Cyclic Stress Over Allowable Stress Ratio
  • f : Stress Range Factor
  • fm : Maximum Stress Range Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Section 104.8 Sustained Load And Occasional Load Check [FREE]   ±

Calculate sustained stress, occasional stress and allowable stress (ASME B31.1 section 104.8). For branches and tees a separate check should be performed for each branch (see example).

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • sectype : Cross Section Type
    • Zu : User Defined Pipe Z Modulus
  • kfactype : Occasional Load Factor Type
    • ku : User Defined Occasional Load Factor
  • loaxtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fxu : User Defined Axial Wall Load
  • loadtype : Stress Check Type
  • ifactype : Stress Factor Type
    • iu : User Defined Stress Factor
  • M : Design Moment
  • tn : Nominal Wall Thickness
  • Sh : Design Stress At Maximum Temperature
  • P : Design Pressure Or Pressure Difference

Tool Output

  • 0.75i : Stress Intensity Factor (0.75i ≥ 1)
  • D : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • Mo : Occasional Moment
  • Ms : Sustained Moment
  • Rm : Pipe Mid Wall Radius
  • Sa : Allowable Stress
  • Sb : Bending Stress
  • Sl : Longitudinal Stress
  • Sl/Sa : Longitudinal Stress Over Allowable Stress Ratio (≤ 1)
  • Sx : Axial Stress
  • Z : Z Modulus
  • d : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • dm : Pipe Mid Wall Diameter
  • k : Occasional Load Factor

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Section 104.8 Displacement Load Check [FREE]   ±

Calculate displacement stress and allowable stress (ASME B31.1 section 104.8). For branches and tees a separate check should be performed for each branch (see example).

Tool Input

  • diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
    • Du : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • du : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • sectype : Cross Section Type
    • Zu : User Defined Pipe Z Modulus
  • loaxtype : Axial Load Type
    • Fxu : User Defined Axial Wall Load
  • sactype : Allowable Cyclic Stress Type
  • ifactype : Stress Factor Type
    • iu : User Defined Stress Factor
  • M : Design Moment
  • S : Design Stress
  • N : Number Of Cycles
  • tn : Nominal Wall Thickness
  • P : Design Pressure Or Pressure Difference

Tool Output

  • 0.75i : Stress Intensity Factor (0.75i ≥ 1)
  • D : Pipe Outside Diameter
  • D/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • Md : Displacement Moment
  • Rm : Pipe Mid Wall Radius
  • S/Sa : Longitudinal Stress Over Allowable Stress Ratio (≤ 1)
  • Sa : Allowable Cyclic Stress
  • Se : Displacement Stress
  • Sl : Longitudinal Stress
  • Z : Z Modulus
  • d : Pipe Inside Diameter
  • dm : Pipe Mid Wall Diameter
  • f : Stress Range Factor