Pipeng Toolbox : DNVGL-RP-O501 Erosion Calculators Blank User
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DNVGL RP O501 Erosion Rate

Calculate DNVGL-RP-O501 pipeline inside diameter and internal cross section area from pipe diameter and wall thickness schedule.

Use the Result Table option to display the table results versus wall thickness for the selected pipe schedule diameter.

Reference : DNVGL-RP-O501 Managing Sand Production And Erosion : formerly DNV-RP-O501 (Download from the DNVGL website)

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CALCULATOR : DNVGL-RP-O501 Pipe Diameter Schedule [FREE]   ±

Calculate DNVGL-RP-O501 pipe internal diameter and pressure design wall thickness from pipe schedule.

The pressure design thickness equals the nominal wall thickness minus the corrosion allowance and fabrication allowance. The minimum wall thickness equals the nominal wall thickness minus the fabrication allowance. The corrosion allowance includes mechanical allowances such as threads and damage etc. Use the Result Table option display a table of diameter and wall thickness versus nominal wall thickness for the selected diameter schedule.

Tool Input

  • schdtype : Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
  • ttoltype : Wall Thickness Fabrication Tolerance Type
    • txu : User Defined Negative Wall Thickness Fraction
    • tfu : User Defined Negative Wall Thickness Allowance
  • c : Wall Thickness Corrosion Allowance

Tool Output

  • ID : Nominal Inside Diameter
  • OD : Nominal Outside Diameter
  • OD/tn : Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • tf : Wall Thickness Fabrication Allowance
  • tm : Minimum Wall Thickness
  • tn : Nominal Wall Thickness
  • tp : Pressure Design Wall Thickness
  • tx : Wall Thickness Fabrication Fraction

CALCULATOR : DNVGL-RP-O501 Pipe Diameter And Cross Section Area Schedule [FREE]   ±

Calculate DNVGL-RP-O501 pipe internal diameter and internal cross section area from pipe schedule.

Use the Result Table option to display the pipe schedule inside diameter and internal cross section area versus wall thickness for the selected diameter.

Tool Input

  • schdtype : Schedule Type
  • diamtype : Diameter Type
    • ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
    • IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
  • wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
    • tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness

Tool Output

  • AXi : Pipe Internal Contents Cross Section Area
  • AXo : Pipe External Displaced Cross Section Area
  • AXw : Pipe Wall Cross Section Area
  • ID : Nominal Inside Diameter
  • OD : Nominal Outside Diameter
  • OD/tn : Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
  • tn : Nominal Wall Thickness