Calculate pipe submerged weight and specific gravity from pipe mass.
Pipe diameter can be defined from other diameter and wall thickness, inner diameter and wall thickness, or outer and inner diameter. The pipe mass should include the mass of all the pipe layers, and excluding contents. The contents mass and buoyancy mass are calculated. To avoid flotation the pipe specific gravity should be ≥ 1.1.
Tool Input
- diamtype : Line Pipe Diameter Type
- OODu : User Defined Outer Diameter Including Layers
- IIDu : User Defined Inner Diameter Including Layers
- WTu : User Defined Total Pipe Thickness Including Layers
- wltype : Pipe Weight Type
- Mu : User Defined Total Pipe Mass Including Layers
- wu : User Defined Submerged Weight
- SGu : User Defined Specific Gravity
- ρf : Contents Fluid Density
- ρb : Displaced Fluid Density
Tool Output
- IID : Pipe Inner Diameter Including Liners
- OOD : Pipe Outer Diameter Including Coatings
- SG : Pipe Specific Gravity Relative To Displaced Fluid
- WT : Pipe Total Wall Thickness Including Liners
- w : Pipe Total Weight Per Length Including Contents and Buoyancy