Calculate ASME B31.3 general pipe hoop stress or wall stress from diameter, wall thickness, wall thickness tolerance and design stress.
Pipe wall stress can be calculated for either the nominal wall thickness, the minimum wall thickness (nominal wall thickness minus fabrication allowance), or the hoop stress wall thickness (nominal wall thickness minus fabrication allowance and corrosion allowance).
For low pressure pipe, select the Barlow's equation with ASME Y factor option, with the pipe nominal diameter.
For high pressure pipe select the log equation option. For high pressure high temperature pipe the design stress should be divided by 1.155. The pipe outside diameter should be the maximum allowed by the code.
For plastic pipe use the Barlow's equation mid wall option, with the pipe nominal diameter.
For most cases external pressure can be ignored. Wall thickness negative tolerance can be defined by either a fraction tolerance, or an allowance tolerance (positive value).
Tool Input
- pletype : External Pressure Type
- Peu : User Defined External Pressure
- schdtype : Pipe Schedule Type
- diamtype : Pipe Diameter Type
- ODu : User Defined Outside Diameter
- IDu : User Defined Inside Diameter
- wtntype : Wall Thickness Type
- tnu : User Defined Wall Thickness
- ttoltype : Wall Thickness Tolerance Type
- xfu : User Defined Negative Wall Thickness Fraction
- tfu : User Defined Negative Wall Thickness Allowance
- syutype : Stress Table Type
- mattype : Yield Stress Type
- SMYSu : User Defined Specified Minimum Yield Stress
- sdtype : Design Stress Type (F x SMYS)
- Fu : User Defined Design Factor
- Sdu : User Defined Design Stress
- walltype : Hoop Stress Calculation Type
- Yu : User Defined ASME Y Factor
- hooptype : Hoop Stress Wall Thickness Type
- tc : Corrosion Allowance
- Pi : Internal Pressure
Tool Output
- ID : Pipe Inside Diameter
- OD : Pipe Outside Diameter
- OD/tn : Pipe Diameter Over Wall Thickness Ratio
- PΔ : Pressure Difference
- Pe : External Pressure
- SMYS : Specified Minimum Yield Stress
- Sd : Design Stress
- Sh : Hoop Stress
- Sh/Sd : Hoop Stress Over Design Stress Ratio
- tf : Fabrication Allowance
- tfx : Fabrication Fraction
- th : Hoop Stress Thickness (Pressure Containment)
- tm : Minimum Wall Thickness
- tn : Nominal Wall Thickness