Pipeng Toolbox : ASME B31.1 Steam Table Calculators Blank User
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ASME B31.1 Power Piping Steam Table

Calculate ASME B31.1 power piping steam properties.

Steam table properties can be calculated for saturated liquid, saturated vapour, and mixed saturated liquid and vapour from quality factor. The enthalpy and internal energy are calculated from the mass. The saturation point can be calculated from either the saturation temperature, or the saturation pressure.

Note : There is an anomaly in the steam calculation for region 3 between the saturated vapour line, the regions 2/3 boundary, and the critical pressure. Refer to the region 3 anomaly help page for more details (click the utility button on the data bar). IAPWS R7-97 is intended for industrial use, and is a simplified version of IAPWS R6-95 for scientific use.

Reference : ANSI/ASME B31.1 : Power Piping (2014)

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CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Steam Vapour Pressure [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 steam saturation pressure and temperature.

The saturation point can be calculated from either the saturation temperature, or the saturation pressure. The calculation is valid between 273.15 K, and the critical point, 647.096 K.

Note : There is an anomaly in the steam calculation for region 3 between the saturated vapour line, the regions 2/3 boundary, and the critical pressure. The liquid and vapour properties are the same in the anomaly zone. Select region 2 for different liquid and vapour properties in the anomaly zone.

Reference : IAPWS R7-97 Industrial Formulation for thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam

Tool Input

  • anomtype : Region 2/3 Anomaly Type
  • proptype : Steam Phase
    • Xu : User Defined Saturated Steam Quality
  • sattype : Saturation Pressure Type
    • Psu : User Defined Saturation Pressure
    • Tsu : User Defined Saturation Temperature

Tool Output

  • ρ : Density
  • Cp : Specific Heat Constant Pressure
  • Cp-Cv : Delta Specific Heat (Cp - Cv)
  • Cp/Cv : Specific Heat Ratio
  • Cv : Specific Heat Constant Volume
  • Ps : Saturation Pressure
  • Ts : Saturation Temperature
  • Vc : Speed Of Sound
  • Z : Compressibility Factor
  • cvg : Convergence Check
  • h : Enthalpy
  • s : Entropy
  • u : Internal Energy
  • vg : Mole Specific Volume
  • vm : Specific Volume
  • wv : Specific Weight

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Steam Properties [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 steam table properties from temperature and pressure.

Steam table values can be calculated for water and steam, saturated water, saturated steam, saturated water and steam, metastable water, and metastable steam. The calculations for water and steam are valid between 273.15 K and 1073.15 K (0 to 100 MPa), and between 1073.15 K and 2273.15 K (0 to 50 MPa).

The saturated water and steam calculations are valid between 273.15 K and 647.096 K.

The metastable calculation is valid between 273.15 K and 647.096 K, and for pressure from the saturated vapour line to the 5% equilibium moisture line (user defined).

Note : There is an anomaly in the steam calculation for region 3 between the saturated vapour line, the regions 2/3 boundary, and the critical pressure. Select either region 2 or region 3 for calculations in the anomaly zone.

Reference : IAPWS R7-97 Industrial Formulation for thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam

Tool Input

  • anomtype : Region 2/3 Anomaly Type
  • proptype : Steam Phase
    • Pu : User Defined Pressure
    • Tu : User Defined Temperature
    • Xu : User Defined Saturated Steam Quality

Tool Output

  • ρ : Density
  • Cp : Specific Heat Constant Pressure
  • Cp-Cv : Delta Specific Heat (Cp - Cv)
  • Cp/Cv : Specific Heat Ratio
  • Cv : Specific Heat Constant Volume
  • P : Pressure
  • T : Temperature
  • Vc : Speed Of Sound
  • Z : Compressibility Factor
  • cvg : Convergence Check
  • h : Enthalpy
  • s : Entropy
  • u : Internal Energy
  • vg : Mole Specific Volume
  • vm : Specific Volume
  • wv : Specific Weight

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Steam Viscosity From Temperature And Pressure [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 water and steam viscosity from temperature and pressure using the IAPWS R12-08 industrial equations.

The viscosity is calculated directly from temperature and pressure using IAPWS R7-97 to calculate the density.

Note : There is an anomaly region close to the critical point. Refer to the help pages for more details (click the utility button on the data bar).

Use the Result Plot option to plot either density or viscosity versus temperature and pressure.

References :

IAPWS R12-08 Industrial Formulation 2008 for the Viscosity of Ordinary Water Substance
IAPWS R7-97 Industrial Formulation for thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam

Tool Input

  • proptype : Steam And Water Type
    • Pu : User Defined Pressure
    • Tu : User Defined Temperature
    • Xu : User Defined Saturated Steam Quality

Tool Output

  • μ : Dynamic Viscosity
  • ν : Kinematic Viscosity
  • ρ : Density
  • CVG : Convergence Check
  • P : Pressure
  • T : Temperature
  • vg : Mole Specific Volume
  • vm : Specific Volume
  • w : Specific Weight

CALCULATOR : ASME B31.1 Gas Density And Compressibility Factor [FREE]   ±

Calculate ASME B31.1 steam density and compressibility factor from temperature and pressure.

The gas compressibility factor is calculated from the critical point temperature, critical point temperature, and the accentric factor using either the Peng Robinson, Soave, Redlich Kwong or Van Der Waals equations of state (EOS). The compressibility factor calculation is valid for vapour phase only. Use the Result Plot option to plot compressibility factor versus pressure and temperature, compressibility factor versus pressure and equation of state type, or compressibility factor versus temperature and equation of state type.

Tool Input

  • eostype : Equation Of State Type
    • Zu : User Defined Gas Compressibility Factor
  • P : Fluid Pressure
  • T : Fluid Temperature

Tool Output

  • ρ : Fluid Density
  • ω : Accentric Factor
  • Pc : Critical Point Pressure
  • Rg : Specific Gas Constant
  • SG : Gas Specific Gravity
  • Tc : Critical Point Temperature
  • Vm : Molar Volume
  • Z : Compressibility Factor
  • cvg : Convergence Check
  • mmg : Gas Molar Mass